

Feb 21 2021

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That’s odd


Never stop learning.

I wrote the post below and kept thinking to myself; “This just can’t be right.” I picked up an unopened bag and realized with a shock; “Doh!!! These are extension cables. One end is female and the other is male. The connectors are not the same – the >>ENDS<< are the same." Half of my connections we using the wrong ends - hence the blown fuses. I could not see this because I am mostly color blind and I simply registered that each end had a black and red wire. I did not actually look to see if those wires crossed once connected. Oh well, I am still not going to use these as a connection solution!

Notice anything strange in the photo above? Nope. Clearly, neither did I.


How about the photo above with the wires arranged slightly differently? Still nothing? Same here.


How about now? Look at the actual joined connections. Notice anything strange about the colors?

In my entire life, I have never seen anything like this before. Two colors. One connector. How is it possible for someone to switch the order of the wires and sell them as the same connector?!? This is absolutely unconscionable.

OK, these connections are going in the trash, never to be used again. I will use insulated butt joints instead.

Good lesson to learn though. SMDH!

Permanent link to this article: http://lbhsound.com/wp/thats-odd/

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  1. Two systems – LBH Sound

    […] gathering. Both had issues. So… back to the lab they go. After futzing for a bit (and figuring out colors!) I finally got two systems up and […]

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