Monthly Archive: June 2018

Jun 11 2018

PB 18

PB 18

Ported Bass 18″ 06/11/18

Designed by Mike Hatt of Ivan Sound.

Fusion 360 modeling by Ulan McKnight of LBH Sound.

This file is free to use in any way that you see fit. It would be nice if you shared any modifications/upgrades/insights with the community but there is no requirement to do so.

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Jun 10 2018

Notes on Dogbones – 06/10/18

The Dogbone script is an invaluable add-on to Fusion 360 that allows us to CAM corners. Thank you Mr. Rogers! You have saved me countless hours of time and you update the files regularly. You are a true Open Source Hero in my book!!

The most important thing to know about dogbones is that you, …

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Jun 03 2018

Beach Party #2

Dave and Jules threw a birthday party for themselves.

Revelry ensued. Great fun was had by all.

Same time/place next year. Or, as Deana would say; “Mark it on your calendar.”

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