I’m going to keep adding to this post as I find examples of Juke Joints in movies…
A Soldiers Story
Dec 25 2021
Permanent link to this article: http://lbhsound.com/wp/juke-joints-in-movies/
Permanent link to this article: http://lbhsound.com/wp/another-juke-joint-design-session-with-dave-lloyd/
Dec 06 2021
Little Bass Heads THAM15 – 12-06-21 (Fusion public file link)
Little Bass Heads THAM15 – 12-06-21 (Fusion file and GCode to run the Laney College ShopBot)
Little Bass Heads THAM15 – 12-06-21 (Little Bass Heads THAM15 – 12-06-21 – GCode only)
As of today we have a working version of the Little Bass Heads THAM15. …
Permanent link to this article: http://lbhsound.com/wp/little-bass-heads-tham15-12-06-21/
Dec 02 2021
I sent Mike this THAM thread.
Mike replies:
I think I read this post years back.
He is using some great drivers that we can’t easily get in the the USA. The drivers are also incredibly expensive now. That 4592 horn is something like $800 for each one. With what he’s doing, its not …
Permanent link to this article: http://lbhsound.com/wp/mike-shares-some-tham-feedback/
Dec 01 2021
12-01-21 THAM 15 with rabbets (public Fusion link)
12-01-21 THAM 15 with rabbets (ZIP archive)
Spent a bunch of time reworking the original THAM 15 design by Anders Martinsson in Fusion 360 to include rabbets and tolerance for different wood thicknesses. I settled on 0.04” for the tolerance and ply / 2 for the …
Permanent link to this article: http://lbhsound.com/wp/12-01-21-tham-15-with-rabbets/