Category Archive: Burning Man

Jun 14 2024

24-06-14 – DJ Booth

Scotty wants to build a Playatech DJ booth. I asked him to send me his plans so I can take a look. He gave me this file (DJ-Dope-Assy)

I spent a few hours in Fusion and came up with the following. I only needed 13 variables.

The DJ booth uses two sheets of 1/2″ …

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Jul 14 2023

New beginnings

The Juke Joint gets a new floor, new crew members join, tickets arrive, we build a new platform for the subs and she makes her first sound run of the year. The Burning Man push has truly begun. Great things are happening!

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Jul 10 2023

The Juke Joint is home again!

Yeah!! The Juke Joint is home again from Max’s Auto.

We will be deciding what to build on her this week. Please let me know if you are interested in helping us plan out her immediate future.

The goal is to be finished with all construction by August 1st.

Let’s go!

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Jul 09 2023

Mo’ Betta in Reno

Shameka put out the call and Mike, Wes, Joe, Manjou and I answered. We spent Thursday straight through Sunday organizing and packing two shipping containers that will be delivered to camp on the playa.

This was a ton of hot and dusty work but along the way, we all became much closer and had a …

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May 21 2023

05-21-23 – The Cookout Collective

Sheri, Casandra, Dave and I had quite the productive conversation last night about the art piece we are bringing to the playa this year.

To recap, we are creating a space for Black people to feel welcome. We are setting up Black art in a 200×200 foot or 300×300 foot area 50-100 yards …

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May 09 2023

unSCruz 2023

Casandra and I created a camp for unSCruz designed to make Black and brown people feel welcomed, safe and seen at the event. We ran in to quite a few problems along the way but… I think everyone involved will agree that it turned out to be a fantastic success. We sure saw lots of …

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May 01 2023

Some of the bestest peeps

We had a fantastic work day because some of the best peeps showed up. Mike, Cass, Peters, Lloyd and Charles started off by testing camp layout and our camping supplies. Gerald, Manun, Jemma and Rae jumped right in on fixing the truck, lighting and the sign. And as the sun went down Alex and Torben …

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Apr 24 2023

Light and Shadow Tech

As our crew grows… so do the Good Times™️.

Sheri, Mike, Charles, Lloyd, Peters, Wendy, Cass, Kahai, Ping, Alyssa, Torbs, and (newbies to our crew!), Jaya, Shameka, Desirae, Sarah, Kirk, Arthur, Jemma, Mamun, Morteza, Vidit, Kyle, Zulu, Paul and Shelby throwing in to help us get ready for unSCruz and beyond.

Our Garage …

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Apr 09 2023

The Juke Joint – Burning Man Submission – 2023

This post is the resource URL for the 2023 Burning Man mutant vehicle submission.

01/07/23 – Juke Joint Media

08/19/22 – A letter from Mike to the DJs and Performers on The Juke Joint

08/08/22 – Where we are now

08/01/22 – Happy happy happy dayz

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Jan 07 2023

Juke Joint Media

Dave Lloyd a just sent me the photos from The Juke Joint build in 2022. They are so beautiful, I have to post them!

We attached the sign to some plywood and have it in The Listening Room (TLR). We lit it up for the first time for our Capricorn Party …

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