

Dec 01 2021

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12/01/21 – THAM 15 with rabbets

12-01-21 THAM 15 with rabbets (public Fusion link)

12-01-21 THAM 15 with rabbets (ZIP archive)

Spent a bunch of time reworking the original THAM 15 design by Anders Martinsson in Fusion 360 to include rabbets and tolerance for different wood thicknesses. I settled on 0.04” for the tolerance and ply / 2 for the insets.

The insets all have a width of ply + (tolerance * 2) and parts that fit in to the insets nestle in at inset – (tolerance * 2). As the side_left and side_right have the majority of inset wood, I chose to decrease the rabbets in the top and bottom parts by a single tolerance. Everything snugged up nice and tight as I used bar clamps, wood glue and 1 1/4” 18 gauge brads.

I first tested all the parts by assembling the cabinet using a minimal number of brads and no wood glue. I then took it apart, discarded the old brads and put it together for realz. Total time for both builds, including a fun break to chat with some interested peeps, was an hour and 10 minutes.

Super chill and relaxed.

So clean coming off the table! Thank you to Levi and Rick for helping me to dial in the tool paths.

Look at these rabbets! So sweet. I just love it when a plan comes together.

Caught brother and sister Berry in the shot.

Levi is pretending to work. Kaitlin sure looks like she is doing something exciting. Hmm…

With wood filler. Ready for the first coat of paint.

Black primer applied.

First coat of DuraTex.

The new Lava Lamp works perfectly and fits with the easy and successful vibe of the build.

Life is Grand™

Permanent link to this article: http://lbhsound.com/wp/12-01-21-tham-15-with-rabbets/

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