

Jun 28 2023

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Come help sew Zhina

Morteza has put out the call: Zhina needs people to help sew.

From Morteza:

The basic work for this weekend is measuring and marking the panels to sew on the Velcro strips and then stitch another panel in for the other part of the Velcro. A bit more precision work than last weekend but not a huge task.

We need at least a 4 hour commitment as it takes time to get someone new up to speed.

The drawings for the panels. Sides are serged, bottom is already hemed. The tops are the priority this weekend.

Essentially we are making a larger version of the sleeve we created for the prototype.

No pressure, just pass the word around and let’s see who shows up. One person showing up is one more than I have right now.

Permanent link to this article: http://lbhsound.com/wp/come-help-sew-zhina/

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